Success! Tenants Against Predatory Towing, (T.A.P.T.) claims victory against Coles Towing after they took their concerns to the Spartanburg County Council. The group spoke before the county council back in July complaining of the predatory tower’s illegal towing practices.After several meetings with the Chief of Police, and other County officials, the group was not only able to get Cole Towing out of their community but some of the other communities he was victimized as well. Their efforts contributed heavily to the new TOWING ORDINANCE the county approved back on the 27th of Sept.
Cole Towing’s business license has been SUSPENDED. In addition, on behalf of these ladies, IATD has asked Congressman Tim Scott to consider proposing a bill to revoke the tax credit from low-income housing developments that employ predatory towers.
In the interim, the relentless actions of a few ladies who weren’t going to lie down and be victim to Cole’s Towing, a company that wrote in a text to the management company at Willis Trace Townhomes that he could get at least 280,00 from predominately black communities.
Their efforts in setting up a neighborhood preventive towing watch group thwarted the predatory towing company’s efforts. They took shifts, knocked on doors, secretly recorded Cole’s removing tag stickers, taking down VIN numbers, and committing a number of other unsavory acts to obtain vehicles illegally.