Former Mayor Julián Castro Supports Prop B for San Antonio
Mario Salas with FIX SAPD explains why Prop B has nothing to do with defunding the police, but is all about police accountability. Recently, Julian Castro has endorsed Prop A.
“It’s time for the people to have a voice in ensuring Public Safety accountability in San Antonio. By voting YES for Proposition B, we’re supporting good faith negotiations between police and the community they serve. By voting #YESforPropositionB, we’re choosing to hold officers accountable for misconduct and to build a safer community for everyone.”
THE POLICE ASSOCIATION (not a union) will not negotiate any real changes to protect the public from bad cops. ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO THINK ITS ONLY ABOUT COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ARE OUT TO LUNCH AND HAVE AVOIDED PAYING ATTENTION TO THE FACT THAT THE SAPOA CONTRACT VIOLATES THE CIVIL LIBERTIES AMENDMENTS TO THE US CONSTITUTION. LET US TAKE AWAY THEIR RIGHT TO MISTREAT THE PUBLIC AND GET AWAY WITH IT. Police contract is written so as to violate human rights and common sense. Accountability is non-existent for the bad cops because of an abusive anti-union anti-people contract. The police association contract is PEOPLE BUSTING at its worst. VOTE YES TO RID OUR COMMUNITY OF A MEANCING CONTRACT THAT THREATENS THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY.