IATD was instrumental in resolving a housing issue against Against Virginia based K&TD Investments, Milford Keith Duncan and Tammid Duncan. The undisclosed tenant contacted IATD because she was having difficulties being released from her obligation at his rental property located in South Carolina. They refused to sign a form relinquishing her from the property and annotating her good rental history.
The Duncan’s, who did not charge the tenant a security deposit at the onset of her lease, attempted to collect one once they received notice that the tenant wished to move out.
Additionally, there were several unenforceable clauses in the lease. The Duncan’s attempted to implement a post lease signing agreement shifting the responsibility for repairs in that a $200 deductible was being implemented for all repairs no matter how small. Also, completely responsible to any repairs needed for large appliances as the refrigerator and stove.
Although he promised our staff he would work to resolve the issues, he latter reneged. IATD drafted a letter to the Housing Authority when Milford Keith Duncan continued to refuse to sign documents needed to allow the tenant to be released.
We thank the staff located at the Housing Authority who promptly intervened, reviewed the complaint and ruled in favor of our client. Because of the landlord’s behavior, the housing authority also granted the tenant an additional thirty days to vacate the property.